
kia ora

Today me and my class were on printable’s. On printable’s we had to look for something we could all take home like a fidgit toy or crock charms. After we found something everyone agreed on we had to print. But we haven found one yet and now its time to blog and this is why  im blogging. We had fun looking for stuff we saw all types of things we could print, like monopoly fidgit toys crock charms chess anything. i looked at fidgit toys board games crock charms. And that what i’ve looked at so far.

whanau day

kia ora

today was whanau day. Today at whanau day we did a huge as bouncy castle obstacle, first we had to line up into four groups. Then after that the people in front of you had to get ready to run. then drrrrrrr the whistle went off and the first people in front of us ran and jumped over all of the little fences that the kpmg people put there then before i could watch more it was my row’s turn bang the whistle went off again we ran and ran jumping over all of the fences then all of us went under the big blue net the all of us squeezed through the hole into the bouncy castle cousrse then some of us fell over in the course all over one and other including me. Then i went to the top of the climbing part of the bouncy castle with some of the other people from my class room 9 and some from room 11. then i jumped down with some of the kids with me by the way this is a race. then me and everyone else ran toward the exit then we all ran to the next obstacle. Everyone quickly ran to grab a ball then we through the ball through the hole. And then after that we all ran to the next bouncy castle. We all quickly crawled our way through the entrance. Then we climbed up the ladder sown into the bouncy castle down the slide and out the spout. Then we all ran to line up so that we could walk across the plank. then eventualy all of us crossed and walked across the plants. Then we had to run through this other castle. once we made it through we had to jump over this other fence looking thing then of course you know what im gonna say, another bouncy castle. We ran to the entrance then we had to make our way through these punching bag looking things that came out of the floor of the boucy castle. Then we had to step on these plastic pots and finaly we made it through the hole obstacle course.

thank you for reading my story about to day i will post another one about the other bouncy castle but it is not a course

hint it is like gaga ball and soccer mixed but with slightly different rules

almost sale day

kia ora

hi me and my class have been working on our own projects. Me and my groups project is about plants today we made boxes  and bags out of paper. And card board to put our seed’s in. i made three boxes out of cardboard an paper two are made out of cardboard and the other one is made out of paper. Wile Noorshena Palolo and Wiremu made paper bag’s. We went on youtube and watched videos about how to make paper bag’s and boxes these are the links that i watched and made so far

these are all the videos that i watched but the rest of boxes an bags i made were my own design

fake versus real

kia ora

today i will be writing about fake versus real.

fake versus real is it fake or real

today matua aina is teaching us about what you can do if you think its fake. If you think it’s fake you can search it up on a site then on a different site and if it say’s different thing about this and that. then it is probably fake. an other way is to read about it and read other books about it. ok moving on to photo shop, a way to see if something is real online you can think about it, like for example today Matua Aina tested to see if we could figure out if it was real or fake with a picture of a cow on top of a car. stop and think for a wile think of an answer comment down below what your answer is before reading what the answer is, 1 2 3 ok time’s up. Ok look at this picture it’s real right, wrong this is fake and i have ce  just take a closer look at the car it looks fine write but thing how is it alright and not damaged at all when the average weight of a cow is around 1 400. and another way is how did it even get up there in the first place its to heavy. Now that we got that out of the way this is the real picture.



our trip to snow planet


kia ora whanau

today i am going to show you my story about our trip to snow planet

Yesterday me my class and room 4 went to snow planet for a school trip when i got to school my teacher waea lorraine told me to get my jacket and come to room 4 fast when i got my jacket i went to room 4. When i got to room 4 i sat down and waea lorraine told us what we needed to do like to get our jackets and that. After that we went to the van that was taking us to snow planet and got in and sat down it was a long ride and felt like forever but finally we got there i was relieved we got out of the van and said thank you bob because his name was bob and got out of the van. After we went out side waea lorraine got us into our groups and line us up in our groups.


We got in and put on our pants that they gave us in the changing room and then we put on our jackets gloves and boots then we went in and we were amazed there were snow and people everywhere. We went to get our tubes and walked up the cold snow hill. When i got to the top 

There were other kids that were from my class that made it to the top before me in a line. After waiting for a little bit for them to go down the slide on there tubes it was my turn when it was my turn i walked back kinda far then i took! A running start! And jumped on to my tube i was going fast when i saw that a kid still picking up his tube and was about to! Walk off and have another go so i shouted watch out! move out of the way! But it was to late i crashed into him and i acted like i was hurt then i went nah im just joking. Then me and him went up the hill again then when i was half way up the snowy hill i saw Teilem on a little conveyor that took him to the top without needing to walk with some other kids from my class and i jumped on with them half way up the hill.This is way easyier i said in my mind. After a wile we made it to the top, after that i went up the three little steps made out of snow and waited in line. After waiting for a little it was my turn, i walked back and took a running start then bang i jumped on my tube once more. after going up and down up and down the slide i grabbed a sled and went down another ice slide it was so fun. i made snow angles when i was there i should have made a snow man but i was having to much fun. but then we had to go back to school. on the bus it was soo boring i fell asleep literaly. I woke up to teilem shaking me to wake me up because we were at school. we got out of the van and went to room 4 and whaea Lorraine





project energy


yesterday we were doing Activaty 1.1: on our project. first we had to transform energy. first one we had to do was rub our hands together and smell it it smelled burnt. it asked what energy was it, it was kinetic energy. next we had to turn off the lights then back 0n. then it asked me what energy it was and we said kinetic because its was electrical and light. on the last one it said blow up a balloon and let it go. its energy was kinetic because it was sound

kinetic                                           potential

thermal eletrical light              gravatatianal potential

Elastic potential

matariki design

KIA Ora.

WALT  use google drawing  to create art  Today me and my class had Matua Aina. And Whaea Feona.Our subject today was art.For art today we were doing a matariki disign on google drawings.I learned how to use ctrl z to undo my mistakes and how to flip my pattern horazontely. tell me what you think i should do to emprove my learning. it was a little bit hard to do but it was fun doing it

school time








today me and my class learned and rote about matter. there are three states of matter gas liquid and solid. and here is how you make them. liquid, liquid is something that you get when something solid is hit with raising heat like ice. solid is something hard like ice or rock or anything that you can put  presure on. to make solid  you have to freeze it. like you freeze ice, this is called solidification. gas. gas is what you get when you boil water. after you boil water steam comes out. and our final state of matter condensation.  condensation is when gas turns into liquid. like when you boil water and gas comes out an you place a glass lid over it and it gets fogy and then water droplets begin to apear